Our training services
Conveying the framework of thinking and the tools used to create blue oceans of your own
Your goals:
Our support to you:
Many entrepreneurs and managers see the Blue Ocean Strategy as the way of thinking and the range of instruments that they wish to use as their orientation in developing their strategy and arranging their organisation.
To anchor Blue Ocean Strategy in the company, we are offering two training formats:
Blue Ocean Strategy Champion Programm
for those applying the approach in practice in the future
The aim of the BOS Champions Programme is to train experts and multipliers for future applications in practice within their own organisation. In larger companies, after successfully completing the BOS Champions Programme, team members are even explicitly assigned the task of rolling-out Blue Ocean Strategy in their group of companies, spanning various divisions of the business or country markets.
So how does the BOS Champions Programme proceed?
At the BOS Champions Programme, we guide ourselves with our success-proven our Blue Ocean Strategy project process; this initially provides training in all elementary steps in the process, as a workshop spanning eight working days. After this, the principles are applied in practice in a'real' project setting.
This means that, after the training, the participants apply what they have learned in a Blue Ocean Strategy project in their own company. For our part as Blue Ocean Strategy Partners, we then supervise the project, as the'driving instructor', so to speak, observing, coaching and - where necessary - intervening. The project’s success remains our responsibility, yet actually'making it happen' is taken over by the experts trained in the preceding phase.
8-day workshop-based training:
- In-depth understanding of the methodology
- Mastering the tools used and provision of all the necessary materials
- Preparation for applying the material in practice
3-4 months: “actual” project application:
- Applying all the instruments along the process's chain of activities
- Mastering the challenges presented by a BOS initiative
- Preparing the implementation and thereby the foundation for attaining the project goals
Blue Ocean Strategy Executive Workshops
for management personnel
In managers‘ initial training and advanced-training phases, an ever-more significant role is being assumed by forward-looking leadership methods for managers, drawn from the area of strategy and innovation. As a leading methodology used to develop innovative market strategies, Blue Ocean Strategy practically suggests itself as the content for management seminars.
Yet we have still more to offer with our offer of Executive Education: because we are not'purely' a company providing seminars, but rather have our origins in practical application, in our Executive Workshops for Blue Ocean Strategy we can work through our participants' real business challenges, attaining results that can immediately be converted into value.
We conduct our 1-day to 2-day Blue Ocean Strategy Executive Workshops exclusively with your organisation’s management personnel. In this context, the workshops can either take the form of a 'stand-alone' training event or can be integrated individually as a module in your Corporate Executive Training Programme.
Our promise to you:
- With Blue Ocean Strategy you learn the leading methodology for the development of innovative market-strategies, working with the most important instruments that it provides
- You ascertain the strategic positioning of a business-segment of your own company that is under consideration, comparing it to the competition and assessing the degree of innovation of your product-offering as a whole
- You generate innovative ideas so as to break free of your market's'rules of the game', thereby creating output that you can put to effective use

Dive intothe blue ocean now!
We are offering you a free-of-charge ʺBlue Ocean Strategy Mini-Workshopʺ.
Get to know us and the inspiring Blue Ocean Strategy framework, in just two hours. We jointly apply Blue Ocean tools to tackle a current challenge faced by your business, generating the first, usable results for you.